showing 3 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
1943 Kai  Naxat1991 1940s 194x-series 20thcentury aeroplane aircraft-p38-lightning bossbattles fighteraircraft militantprotagonist propellerplane score scrollingshooter worldwar2 labelimageminimize
After Burner II  NEC Interchannel (Bits Laboratory)1990 aerodyne aeroplane afterburner-series aircraft-f14-tomcat fighteraircraft lives lutris score
[27]***A conversion from Sega's coin-op, If the arcade machine was fun, it's was fast, with big sprite and loads of action !
The conversion is excellent, the game is close to the original, the fake 3D is really nice to watch... for 15 minutes !
As many arcade conversion, the lifetime is very short, not because the game is not interesting (it's not boring neither) but it's the kind of game you can play only 15 minutes on, eventually.
P-47: The Freedom Fighter  Aicom (NMK)1989 aerodyne aeroplane aircraft-p47-thunderbolt bossbattles fighteraircraft lives powerups propellerplane score scrollingshooter worldwar worldwar2
[1]***Another shooter with good playability but which is rather unspectacular and doesn't reach the quality of other early shooting games like R-Type or Gunhed.